Providing mentoring, training, business support, marketing and printing services to our Indigenous Artists whilst ensuring they maintain control of their IP and copyright.

This program was developed to cater for the needs of Indigenous Artists in remote and regional locations of Papua New Guinea and currently earning very limited income from artwork sales. Based upon a social enterprise model, we provide mentoring and skills development training. The outcome is the transfer of key business skills and knowledge so the artist can escalate their business growth in a supported and collaborative environment.

Our Artists

Islander Art
Archie Towo
Islander Art
Andrew Bowing
Islander Art
Aquila Bayan
Islander Art
Paddy Wagi
Islander Art
Betty Peter
Islander Art
David Noro
Islander Art
Eugene John
Islander Art
Jenny Robert
Islander Art
Jenny Sekum
Islander Art
John Taia
Islander Art
Khais Itao
Islander Art
Gabriel Katepu
Islander Art
Kissima Kissima
Islander Art
Kidron Moroc
Islander Art
Seu Matangi
Islander Art
Lynette Lucas
Islander Art
George Gigi
Islander Art
Sam Labau
Islander Art
Terrence Kelly-Ewam
Islander Art
Rex Larry
Islander Art
Yanda Nobu-Denu
Islander Art
Vanessa Jacob

Taking Good Quality Photos

In this quick tutorial, we'll go over the basics of taking good quality photos of your products to use on your website and social media pages. With today's technology, mobile phone cameras are more than adequate to take decent product shots. If you are not too...